不同于以前的动力学法标定,基于先验地球重力场模型,利用改进的能量守恒法,首次对美国喷气推进实验室公布的2009-01-01~10-31期间的GRACE-Level-1B星载加速度计非保守力数据进行了精确标定。研究结果表明:第一,加速度计非保守力数据和姿态数据的实测精度均基本达到了预期精度的要求;第二,标校前加速度计非保守力数据的系统误差会引起每天0.4 m2/s2的地球扰动位误差线性漂移,而标校后的地球扰动位误差仅为0.01 m2/s2;第三,详细对比了分别基于能量守恒法和动力学法标定非保守力数据的优缺点;第四,基于能量法反演地球重力场敏感于非保守力数据的系统误差,因此对星载加速度计实测非保守力数据的精确标校是反演高精度和高空间分辨率地球重力场的关键。
Efficient Calibration of the Non-Conservative Force Data fromthe Space-Borne Accelerometers of the Twin GRACE Satellites
Different from calibrations previously conducted using the dynamic method, the GRACE-Level-1B non-conservative force data from the space-borne accelerometers between 1 January to 31 December, 2009, released by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the United States of America, is for the first time ever effectively calibrated using the priori Earth gravity field model based on an improved energy conservation principle. The results are shown as follows: 1) the non-conservative force data from the space-borne accelerometers and attitude data from the star camera assembly are basically the same as the anticipated accuracies; 2) the systematic error of the raw non-conservative force data leads to a disturbed geopotential error linear drift of about 0.4 m2/s2 per day, however, the error is only 0.01 m2/s2 using the calibrated non-conservative force data, and a reasonable physical explanation is provided; 3) the advantages and disadvantages of calibrating non-conservative force data using the energy conservation principle and dynamic method are compared in detail; and 4) because the signal of the Earth’s gravitational field is sensitive to the systematic error of non-conservative force data from the space-borne accelerometers, the precise calibration of non-conservative force data is a key factor for the highly accurate recovery of the Earth gravitational field with high spatial resolution.

图1 标定前和标定后的非保守力数据对地球扰动位误差的影响
Wei Zheng, Houtse Hsu, Min Zhong, Meijuan Yun. Efficient calibration of the non-conservative force data from the space-borne accelerometers of the twin GRACE satellites. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2011, 54(184): 106-110.