2017年6月26-30日,应大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室邀请,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Bridget Scanlon教授对中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所进行访问及合作研究。访问期间,Bridget教授做了题为“Comparison of Terrestrial Water Storage Trends from Global Hydrologic Models and GRACE Satellite Data”的学术报告,许厚泽院士、王勇副所长(主持工作)、重点实验相关科研骨干及研究生参加了报告会。
Bridget Scanlon教授首先介绍了GRACE重力卫星的水文应用基本原理、新的数据产品特征及其处理过程;介绍了目前国际应用较多的全球水文模式和陆表模型及地表观测技术。再从全球性及特征流域角度,详细论述了卫星重力观测和水文模式,在模拟总水储量的长期和周期变化方面的表现能力以及差异,人类活动和气候变化对流域水文影响的综合检测及解释。实验室科研人员与研究生,和Bridget Scanlon教授围绕“水质量迁移的精准定量评估”进行了广泛深入的学术讨论。
来所访问期间,Bridget Scanlon教授还分别与实验室大地测量与全球变化、地表质量迁移等研究团队和课题组举行专题交流和研讨会,对相关领域研究提出宝贵意见和建议。
Professor Bridget Scanlon leads the University of Texas’ Bureau of Economic Geology’s Sustainable Water Resources Program, a research group that examines issues concerning water resources. Her work on aquifer recharge estimation methods, water use in energy production, impacts of land-use change, and the global recharge estimates for water-scarce regions has improved the understanding of groundwater depletion worldwide. It has also played an important part in informing U.S. water policy, particularly water management in California’s Central Valley. Much of her work combines a variety of analysis methods—from local field measurements to data from satellite—to provide insight on water in the environment at a variety of scales. Recently, she led the most comprehensive study to date on the water supply of the Colorado River Basin, a water source for over 40 million people. Prof. Scanlon is a fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the Geological Society of America. She has also been named the Birdsall Dreiss Lecturer for the Geological Society of America, and is a two-time winner of a conservation award from the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, and the Bureau’s Publication Award. In 2016, she was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering. She is an associate editor of “Water Resources Research” and executive editor of “Environmental Research Letters”.